Puppik Dance (Justine Reeve) is passionate about creativity and giving access to creative dance to young people both in Educational settings and elsewhere.
Justine Reeve's contributions to the world of dance continue to influence a new generation of dancers, educators, and choreographers, as she remains dedicated to the evolution of the art form through both her creative work and her educational endeavors.
Initially set up as a dance company made up entirely of dance teachers and as a open regular technique class at Newlands School. Not only to support teachers in their continued training and provide stumulus and ideas that could be taken back to their students but also to offer them a performance/dance company experience. This led to the first piece Between a Rock
choreographed by Justine being performed at The Place and The Point with 12 dance teachers in 2008.
As the company developed the learning and participation aspect grew including Puppik Youth Dance (formerly West Sussex Youth Dance Company) and Little Puppiks for Primary aged dancers. Justine continued to create performance work aimed at teachers and encouraging dance in secondary schools, including Perception of Perfection, Hatstand, Tombola, Outstanding and Tactics
and Smacks of Naff. Supported by PDSW, SED, Arts Council, Rambert and The Point.
As a freelance Dance Education Consultant this work has now grown into providing CPD, resources and syllabi for schools and colleges using Puppik Dance as a way to collectivise these.
Puppik Dance was established in 2006 by Justine Reeve as a Dance in Education Company. The name Puppik was her nickname as a child. It is pronounced PUP (as in Puppy) - PIK (Pick).
To unlock potential in dance teaching, learning, delivery and in performance.
Core Aims and Values: - To inspire and encourage creativity in dance for all
- To provide resources, training and the delivery of dance activities that will inspire high quality participation
- To connect schools with the professional dance/performing arts world
- To provide support (to teachers, boards, learners and other education establishments) to allow Dance a valid place within education
- To be open to provide a platform for discussion, advice and support
- To encourage access to dance, to give opportunities for Every Child to Dance